Element | Description |
APPLICATION | Used to specify scripts to call when Application object events occur. |
ArcPad | The root element for all ArcPad XML statements. |
AUX | The parent element for AUX port settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx. Used to specify script subroutines to call when AUX events occur. |
BOOKMARKS | The parent element for setting bookmarks. |
COMPLEXLINESYMBOL | Used to symbolize line features. Provides additional symbology options beyond SIMPLELINESYMBOL. |
COMPLEXPOLYGONSYMBOL | Used to symbolize polygon features. Provides additional symbology options beyond SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL. |
COMPORT | Used to define serial port settings for the AUX or GPS port in ArcPadPrefs.apx. |
COORDSYS | Defines the projection of the data in an ArcPad map file (*.apm) or graphics layer file (*.apg). |
ENVELOPE | Defines an extent rectangle. |
FORM | Used to define an ArcPad form. |
GROUPSYMBOL | Used to symbolize features with multiple symbols acting as a single symbol (e.g., a freeway line symbol consists of a group of 3 line symbols). |
HYPERLINK | Used to specify the hyperlink properties of a layer in an ArcPad layer definition or ArcPad map file (*.apm). |
LISTITEM | Used to define an item in a ComboBox or ListBox form control. |
METADATA | The parent element for layer meta data. |
NAVIGATION | Used to specify scripts to call when Navigation object events occur. |
PAGE | Used to define a page of an ArcPad form. |
POINT | When parent element is PREFERENCES, POINT specifies the point greeking thresholds. When parent element is GEOMETRY or PART, POINT defines a point or vertex in a graphic element. When parent element is REFPOINTS, POINT defines a reference point. |
RASTERFILLSYMBOL | Symbolizes polygon features using the specified image as a fill symbol. |
RASTERMARKERSYMBOL | Symbolizes point features using the specified raster image. |
SCRIPT | Used in customization files (ArcPad.apx, *.apa, *.apl) to define scripts or specify an associated script file. |
SIMPLELINESYMBOL | Used to symbolize line features. |
SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL | Used to symbolize point features using one of the predefined symbol types: circle, square, cross, triangle, star, X, or diamond. |
SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL | Used to symbolize polygon features. |
STATUSBAR | Used to define display properties for the status bar. |
STYLE | Used to specify the symblol for a style in a stylesheet. |
SYMBOLOGY | The parent element for symbology in an ArcPad map file (*.apm) or layer definition. |
TEXTSYMBOL | Symbol used to label point, line, and polygon layers. |
TOOLBAR | Used to define a toolbar. |
TRUETYPEMARKERSYMBOL | Used to symbolize point features using TrueType symbols. |
Attribute | Description |
active | |
alignment | |
allownulls | |
angle | |
attributespagevisible | Specifies whether the Attributes page should be displayed with the edit form. |
autoincrement | |
autoincrementstep | |
backgroundcolor | |
blockout | |
border | |
brightness | Brightness adjustment for the layer. Positive values increase the whiteness of the layer, negative values increase the darkness of the layer. |
buddy | |
buttonsize | Specifies the scale factor for the size of toolbar buttons on this toolbar. For example, a value of 2 makes toolbar buttons twice as large as the standard size (16X16). This setting overrides the buttonsize attribute in the DISPLAY element (in ArcPadPrefs.apx). |
caption | |
charset | Font character set. |
clickaction | |
color | |
command | |
contrast | Contrast adjustment for the layer. Positive values exaggerate color separation (as the value approaches 1, the result is either pure black (for colors below the grey threshold) or pure solid color (for colors above the threshold), for example, a dark red will become pitch black, whereas a bright red will become solid red). Negative values merge/dissolve the colors (as the value approaches -1, the result is all gray). |
defaultvalue | |
delayload | |
expression | |
field | |
font | |
fontcolor | |
fontsize | |
fontstyle | |
geographypagevisible | Specifies whether the Geography page should be displayed with the edit form. |
greeking | |
group | |
height | |
highlightcolor | The color used for highlighting selected features. |
highlightwidth | The width of the highlighted outline drawn around selected features in pixels. |
horizalignment | |
hscroll | |
image | |
label | |
language | The script engine that interprets the expression. |
limittolist | |
listtable | |
listtextfield | |
listvaluefield | |
lowercase | |
maximum | |
maxscale | |
maxvalue | |
maxx | Right top x-coordinate in map units. |
maxy | Right top y-coordinate in map units. |
minscale | |
minvalue | |
minx | Left bottom x-coordinate in map units. |
miny | Left bottom y-coordinate in map units. |
multiline | |
name | |
onafterdraw | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onafterlayerdraw | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onaveragestart | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onaveragestop | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onbeforedraw | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onbeforelayerdraw | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
oncancel | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onchange | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onclick | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onclose | Specify the script to run when this event occurs |
oncloseup | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
oncomm | Specify the script to run when this event occurs |
ondrawingcancelled | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
ondropdown | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onexevent | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onfeatureadded | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onfeaturechanged | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onfeaturedeleted | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onfeaturegeometrychanged | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
ongoto | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onidentify | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
oninrange | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onkillactive | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onkillfocus | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onload | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onmeasurement | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onnew | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onok | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onopen | Specify the script to run when this event occurs |
onpointerdown | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onpointermodechanged | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onpointermove | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onpointerup | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onposition | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onpower | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onpreferenceschanged | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onquerycancel | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onrefresh | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onsave | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onselcancel | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onselchange | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onselectionchanged | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onselok | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onsentence | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onsetactive | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onsetfocus | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onshutdown | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onstartup | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
ontimer | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onunload | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
onvalidate | Specify the script to run when this event occurs. |
orientation | |
outline | |
outlinetype | |
outlinewidth | |
password | |
path | |
picturepagevisible | Specifies whether the Picture page should be displayed with the edit form. |
prompt | |
readonly | |
refscale | |
required | |
rotationfield | |
rotationtype | |
rtl | |
shortcut | |
showvalues | |
sip | |
size | |
sort | |
string | Projected or geographic coordinate system definition string. |
symbologypagevisible | Specifies whether the Symbology page should be displayed with the edit form. |
tabstop | |
tabsvisible | |
text | |
threshold1 | |
threshold2 | |
threshold3 | |
threshold4 | |
tooltip | |
transparency | |
transparencycolor | |
upper | |
uppercase | |
value | The value associated with the text. |
vertalignment | |
visible | |
vscroll | |
width |